Who are the Friends?
The Friends of the Waikanae River have a common interest in the achievement of our Vision. The Friends come from a wide range of groups, organisations and individuals with a shared interest in the River.
The Friends have established links to the Wellington Regional Council, the Kapiti Coast District Council and Te Ati Awa Ki Whakarongatai the Tangata Whenua.
What do the Friends do?
Some ways you can help - Assistance with consultation between the community and the Councils
• Keeping a watchful eye on the river quality and recreational use of the river corridor. • Working bees for tree planting and maintenance • Fundraising for amenities If you can join us please phone or email Jo Fellows O22 083 1550 jo.fellows@outlook.co.nz

Site is updated regularly
LAST UPDATE 11 May 2020 New Contact details for Friends added PLANTING - Help required We are now holding regular working bees on our recent planting areas.